Pet of the Week
Contact us today to adopt, volunteer or donate! 1517 Hwy 171 North, Mexia, TX (Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 1568, Mexia, TX 76667), 254-292-9552 SHELTER HOURS M/T/Th/F/S 10am–3pm Sun &
Contact us today to adopt, volunteer or donate! 1517 Hwy 171 North, Mexia, TX (Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 1568, Mexia, TX 76667), 254-292-9552 SHELTER HOURS M/T/Th/F/S 10am–3pm Sun &
September 11, 2001, brought the sorrow of 2,996 fatalities on that dreadful day as thousands of first responders and civilians entered the affected buildings to search for or help people
Proud parents, Rev. John and Marissa Carabin are happy to announce the birth of their second son, Marshal Allen Carabin, born on September 5 at 6:14 a.m. He is welcomed
We at the Journal conducted a Facebook Poll to see how many of our readers are familiar with the origin story of “Billie Jean,” the Groesbeck Goat mascot, and 90%
Photos by Roxanne Thompson/Groesbeck Journal. Groesbeck Mayor Ray O’Docharty and wife Geri enjoy a chicken-fried chicken dinner at the Crime Stoppers meal fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 8, at First Baptist
P.O. Box 440
Groesbeck, TX 76642
Phone: 254-729-5103
Fax: 254-729-0362