PRIME TIME EXPRESS to perform on a world stage at the 2019 Equine Affaire ‘Fantasia’ in Columbus, Ohio
Prime Time Express (PTE) has been honored at being selected to perform April 11-13, 2019 Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio during “Fantasia”, North America’s premier equine exposition and equestrian gathering.
County Commissioners Heed Legal Advice, Approve Re-Subdivision of Mexia Property
Limestone County Commissioners held a short meeting on Tuesday, March 26, approving several routine items and acting on legal advice provided during executive session. Mitzi Eves, owner of Heritage Realty,
Senior Center News
Nĭ haŏ (Hello/Chinese). Pat Ogden is on a roll; three wins back-to-back-to-back and Norma Tate, two in a row in Bingo. Both Ladies were our big Bingo winner on Tuesday
If you have information about this photo please call the Journal office, 254-729-5103 or email William Reagan at wfreagan@embarqmail.com. This photo belonged to Leonard Mills of Groesbeck and is probably