C.A.S.T. for Kids fundraiser, fishing event set Sept. 27-28
Texas Bassmaster Elite Series pro Keith Combs and his wife, Jennifer, are throwing a weekend party later this month.
Texas Bassmaster Elite Series pro Keith Combs and his wife, Jennifer, are throwing a weekend party later this month.
September is designated as tree stand safety month by the Virginia-based Tree Stand Safety Awareness Foundation.
The 31st Annual Pineywoods Chapter of National Wild Turkey Federation JAKES event is set for at 8 a.m. on Sept. 21 at North Boggy Slough Conservation Area off State Highway 7 in Houston and Trinity counties.
Those stately greenheads may be the sexiest of all the ducks on the pond, but blue-winged teal always grab the most attention with Texas’ early bird waterfowl crowds.
Big rains that fell across parts of the West Texas over Labor Day spoiled plenty of dove hunts.
P.O. Box 440
Groesbeck, TX 76642
Phone: 254-729-5103
Fax: 254-729-0362