Area News

The Final Countdown Texaco getting a facelift
The Final Countdown Texaco getting a facelift

The Final Countdown Texaco getting a facelift

The Texaco Start-n-Stop service station on the corner of Ellis Street (Hwy 14) and Yeagua Street (HWY 164) closed on Sunday, April 17 and a new service station next door is expected to open in six weeks. When the service station opens it will feature 16 pumps for fueling, double the previous number of eight pumps. It will be a 6500 square foot building, with a deli, walk-in cooler and improved lighting. It is expected to have 10 employees. Edgar Estrada/ Groesbeck Journal photo


Hypocrisy is defined as the “practice of claiming to have moral standards or views to which one’s own behavior (or the behavior of people in our food chain) does not meet. It is a pretense of morality that cloaks our inability to meet some predetermined moral code”. Hypocrisy is rampant in our society; it is no longer do as I do, it is do as I say!!!! Uhhhh HELL NO!!!! Sorry folks that dog don’t hunt. I said it once and I will say it again the leadership in this country could not lead a pack of hungry wolves to meat and that includes our WOKE (whatever the hell that means), Military leaders, as well. When military leaders, especially ones who are supposed to be able to lead morally, praise blatantly disrespectful Military personnel who disrespect police officers you know the military is going to hell in a handbasket…… Our so-called leaders are too, too busy teaching critical race theory and purging the .00002 percent of socalled white supremacist extremists out of the military.


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