Texas Crop and Weather Report
The Texas corn crop has reached the midway point, and expectations are for an above-average crop, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.
The Texas corn crop has reached the midway point, and expectations are for an above-average crop, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.
In their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 15, Groesbeck Council covered a lot of ground. A public hearing regarding the city budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 was held, and as there were no questions or comments from those in attendance, Council went on to adopt the budget as presented. The tax rate for 2020, proposed as 0.6921 per $100 dollar valuation, effectively a 0% increase from last year, was also approved.
In what can only be called the sweetest accomplishment, Billy Kyle (BK) and Alta Stone are celebrating 70 years of marriage, a feat that very few can claim. The pair have spent the past seven decades loving each other, God, their family, and the life they have created for themselves here in Groesbeck, and have plenty of love to go around.
Attorney General Ken Paxton is warning Texans about scammers sending text messages that include a false package delivery notice and a fraudulent link.
P.O. Box 440
Groesbeck, TX 76642
Phone: 254-729-5103
Fax: 254-729-0362