Area News

Thornton Senior News

Thornton Senior Citizen group met to close out the 2022 year Thursday, Dec. 29th. Those gathering being James Lenamond, Doris Lemley, Ann Brown, Sheryl Davis, Elizabeth Neason, Roger and Sharon Watson, Lorene Stembridge, Snuffy Bennett, Wayne Sharp, Alma McCurry, Janice Bilbrey, Michelle Cochran from Reliant at Home Health Care and myself.

Courthouse Notes

The following cases were collected from the Limestone County Courthouse offices of the District and County Clerk for December 2022. Filed cases are collected around the first of each month. All questions must be handled via the appropriate County office only.

Find beauty in your journey

Oh, my dear Friends, I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to embark on this journey into this New Year, and I eagerly await everything that God has in store for me for 2023; as a matter of fact, I have decreed and declared this will be my best year yet. That’s one of the things I love about having faith and believing in something that is not yet visible; just like all of you, I don’t have a clue about what tomorrow holds or any other day, but I can certainly have faith and pray for blessings upon on blessings to be bestowed upon me this year.


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