Thornton Hustler

Thornton Senior News

It’s nice to have someone taking care of business in your absence. Thanks to Janice Bilbrey and Lorene Stembridge I got the report on the meeting and lunch Thursday. Others present being Ann Brown, Gala Gambini, Ernie and Sherry Solis, Snuffy Bennett, Wilma Lee, Elizabeth Neason, Michele Cochran, Shari Werner, Wayne Sharp, Earl Mask, Gay Ann McBride, Doris Lemley and Sheryl Davis.

Thornton Senior News

We seem to be getting our numbers back up as we had nineteen for lunch Thursday. Those with us were Janice Bilbrey, Ann Brown, Elizabeth Neason, Roger and Sharon Watson, Doris Lemley, Snuffy Bennett, Shari Werner, Daniel Short, Ernie and Sherry Solis, Sammy Cooper, Wilma Lee, Wayne Sharp, Gala Gambini, Earl Mask, Michelle Cochran who takes our blood pressure and calls bingo, Lorene Stembridge who along with three other ladies had been to Hawaii and cruised around to all the islands, and myself. We welcomed Daniel Short as a first-time guest and hope he will continue to be with us.

Thornton Senior News

Numbers were down a little more last week but we still had a good time with thirteen and Bro. Tracy Sims made all happy by having lunch with us and staying for bingo games. He was also a winner for one game. Thanks for your presence today and don’t let it be the last. Others here were Janice Bilbrey, Ann Brown, Snuffy Bennett, Sherry and Ernie Solis, Elizabeth Neason, Pam Harlan, Gayla Gambini, Wilma Lee, Wayne Sharp, Doris Lemley, Michele Cochran was back with us to take blood pressure and call Bingo and myself. We appreciate Michele for coming and doing these favors for us. Sharon Werner came again to play bingo as well and was the blackout winner. Other winners were Wilma Lee, Pam Harlan, and Ernie Solis winning 2 games, and Doris Lemley a game. Thank you Pam Harlan for the donation of bingo prizes.


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